Friday, October 20, 2017 by Martin Mavis
The Health Ranger names some of the top thinkers, writers and voices across the independent media.
Podcast Transcript: “You know the independent media has many, many highly intelligent, very courageous analysts. I’d like to encourage you to visit some of them. Just going to throw out some names here. Tess Pennington from Ready Nutrition is someone that’s very much worth reading. She’s got phenomenal preparedness information. Greg Hunter at, I think is the website. Greg Hunter is a former mainstream media reporter who is now one of the leaders of the independent media. He interviews some really amazing people. Some who I also recommend such as Gregory Mannarino – who is a finance and Fed analyst. Then there’s Dr. Dave Janda – who’s also worth checking out. We’re going to invite Dave Janda for an interview here soon on Natural News. Mac Slavo at is definitely worth checking out. Joe Joseph over at is a great person, great analyst. SGT Report is a worthwhile visit everyday. Did I mention yet? Susan Duclos over there and some other writers as well too. It’s a great website, great analyst. I gotta say for the record Steve Quayle is someone you absolutely need to be listening to. Steve Quayle, I remember years ago when I first heard Steve Quayle. I mean like 20 years ago. I thought he was nuts. I really did. Then the more I learned, the more research and investigation that I did into areas, I’ve come to find year after year, time and time again, that Steve Quayle was just so far ahead of the curve. He knows more than most people even in the independent and alternative media…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alternative media, First Amendment, independent media, journalists, thinkers